Google Forms

When inserting Images and Videos you will need to click on Insert.  

To insert a image you will need to upload an image you have saved or you can do the following:

a. take a snapshot
b. enter a URL
c. upload from Google Drive
d. search for a image using the Google search engine

To insert a video you will need to search for the video in YouTube or enter the URL from YouTube.  

Once your image or video has been uploaded, then you may enter text such as a title or directions.  

Video Tutorial- Inserting Images and Videos in Google Forms 


You create an assignment in Google Forms such as a quiz or test then have Flubaroo grade the the assignment for you.  You can send your students their grade by sending them an email. It is that easy!   

Flubaroo is actually an Add-on in Google Sheets. To get the Add-on Flubaroo.  You will need to go to Google Sheets.

In Google Forms you will create your assignment.  The assignment must be either multiple choice or text.  Once you create your assignment you will view it in a Google Sheets by going to View Responses.

You will need to follow these step by step directions to use Google Forms and Flubaroo in the link below. 

You can also watch the video down below.
