Loupe creates awesome photo collages with hundreds of your photos into a shape of your choice!
★ You can create collages in the shape of your choice.
★You can spell out your name in photos.
★You can move the photos around manually to make it perfect.
★ You can Share the collage on multimedia.
★ You can also download the collage to your computer, device, or Google Drive.
★You can spell out your name in photos.
★You can move the photos around manually to make it perfect.
★ You can Share the collage on multimedia.
★ You can also download the collage to your computer, device, or Google Drive.
TED Ed is a free educational website that is comprised of lessons for teachers. Teachers can create customized lessons and submit them to the database for others to use in their classroom. Each lesson contains these elements: Watch, Think, Dig Deeper, and Discuss to enhance the students' learning.
Go ahead and try out TEDEd. You most likely will find a lesson that will benefit your classroom. You might even want to add a new lesson of your own to help out other teachers. Remember we are all in this together educating kids!